Back in the day (we're talking the late 70s/early 80s)) I dabbled with a bit of tapestry, mainly linked to primary teaching, but the...

The soft and swift passage of time
Such a lot seems to have happened, and yet very little. There are times like that, aren't there, when one seems to have been standing...

The Heartbreak Behind The Silence
As the person behind the loose schedule of blogging duties for Common Threads, I had it in my mind that we were likely to have a quiet...

'Have you thought about joining?' she said
Life is at a point when the default answer is 'yes' - who knows what opportunities might slip by and now isn't the time for regrets. So...

Work in progress: Royal College of Art textile postgraduates
In January, courtesy of my friend Cathy, who works as a librarian at the RCA, I visited a show of work in progress by textile...

39 steps to weaving the Borders way
Twelve miles out in the borders last July, I arrived fresh off the sleeper from London to take part in the Heriott Watt intermediate...

A project I've been working on recently has thrown up an image that seemed appropriate to share in the recent blast of cold weather: It...

Channeling Gilbert O'Sullivan
Nothing old, nothing new, nothing ventured Nothing gained, nothing still-born or lost Nothing further than proof, nothing wilder than...

I live on a hillside, looking out across my village, which nestles in the valley below. The other side of the valley is a lower hill,...

2018 - bring it on!
Happy New Year from the Common Threads Textile Group members. Margot's last post highlighted all that Common Threads' anticipates in the...