Sight and Taste
I should have started writing this a while ago, while it was fresh in my mind, but, it seems, a period of gestation has been beneficial. ...

Town and Country #2
Following on from my post on 23rd November I have now come to the 'country' part of this theme! I recently visisted Bolton Abbey in the...

Combined Minds
As mentioned in recent blog posts we recently got together as a group for the first time since the summer show in June 2017. Not only had...

Town and Country #1
Over the last few weeks I have been lucky enough to do a little bit of travelling with some amazing friends. Firstly, I spent a few days...

Common Threads, Common Thoughts
Last week, Common Threads had the first of what we hope will become regular residential meet-ups. A number of us live within day-trip...

Loom with a View
I have Margot to thank. En route to a break in Northumberland last year we met up at her studio in Gateshead. To have dedicated space...

From fleece to thread...
Those thirty Shetland fleece made the journey in the back of my car to the Halifax Spinning Mill near Goole a couple of weeks back. What...

Where Did All That Come From?
Every craftsperson has a stash of materials and bits of equipment acquired bit by bit, not necessarily in a rational or organised way. I...

Where Did The Summer Go?
I don't know about you, but the last three months since the Summer Show seem to have flown by. In my non-weaving life, I run a hand dyed...

Serendipity for a yarn junkie
There is a charity shop in a village on my way to where I work. It has always had a varied line in merchandise, and I have frequently...