A common thread for Common Threads
Amongst the seemingly endless research for the HNC, I came across a textile artist whose modus operandi struck a chord deep within me. Adele Stafford began the voices of industry project back in 2013; she explains its aims and product eloquently in the website - voicesofindustry.com.
In the same year I received a commission from Mother Seraphima, abbess of the Holy Trinity Convent in Brookline MA, to design, spin and knit a jacket for her in Shetland fleece. The job arrived in the new year when all local Shetland fleece had been snaffled up. What did we ever do before Google? Some hours searching and I happened upon a site called Abacus Shetlands and bought 10 of the remaining fleece.
Knowing Sally has her Icelandic flock's fleece spun by Paul at the Halifax Spinning Mill and growing Adele's idea, the thought of each of us in Common Threads using the same yarn, created for us, with a strong home-grown provenance to create wholly individual pieces linked by a common thread seemed like a delicious idea; and there was widespread support.
Sally has generously gifted yarn from her own flock so we are starting with a beautifully soft Icelandic wool.
Today I brought back 20 fresh fleece from the Abacus Shetland flock in shades of black, grey, moorit and fawn.

Each in its own brown paper bag with details of its owner.

And I couldn't miss the opportunity of heading out into the field to say 'hello' to some old friends and make some new ones!