Channeling Gilbert O'Sullivan
Nothing old, nothing new, nothing ventured Nothing gained, nothing still-born or lost Nothing further than proof, nothing wilder than youth Nothing older than time, nothing sweeter than wine Nothing physically recklessly, hopelessly blind Nothing I couldn't say Nothing why 'cos today Nothing rhymed

Sometimes you just have one of those days. Sometimes those days run into weeks, or even months. I'm spending so much time trying to relaunch my dyeing business and launch myself as a workshop tutor whilst trying to carve out enough time for walks which are vital for my wellbeing, that I'm just not getting to the weaving. Ideas are swirling around my head all the time, but I just can't execute them. My sum output regarding the weaving recently is a collage of bricks from Thame High Street that will be the start of a collection (but right now looks pretty symbolic), a completely separate design on squared paper that hasn't even had any artwork or visual research done at all and a talk to my Guild about the AGWSD Summer School I attended last year.
So, just as Gilbert sang that nothing rhymed, here, nothing is working out. And it's making me cranky. I think it's more a lack of decent time management than a lack of creativity, but nevertheless it does hamper it - after all I'm mentally working on designs that won't get onto a loom anytime soon due to the backlog of warps that need to be finished. Ah well - time to stop whinging and get on with it... wish me luck!