Where Did The Summer Go?
I don't know about you, but the last three months since the Summer Show seem to have flown by. In my non-weaving life, I run a hand dyed...

All Change!
Within the last two weeks I have been invited to take one of the three Bradford Graduate spots at the Saltaire Makers Fair in September....

In Praise of Software
I love my Louet Magic Dobby, partly because I feel a link to weavers in the past. Putting the pegs into the programme bars is a very...

Finally ... The Final Show
Earlier this month, Lin posted some photos of our work as we went about putting together the Final Show for the course (strictly...

Introducing... Sue G
I'm Sue (G) and I'm a weaver based in Sheffield. I've always enjoyed dabbling in drawing, painting and print making, and in making...

and there's more...
#finalshow #knit #weave

The Dye House Gallery
Everyone in Common Threads has worked tirelessly this weekend to contribute to the Bradford College Show. Preview night is this Friday,...

Inspiration can come from anywhere and strike at any time! My current source of inspiration hit quite a long time ago whilst helping my...

Don't worry, I haven't really been stitched up by anyone, I just couldn't think of a witty title for this post. I really just wanted to...

Potential Perfection
There is something about a warp when it is wound onto the warping board. It is there, ready to be the perfect design, the perfect...