All Change!
Within the last two weeks I have been invited to take one of the three Bradford Graduate spots at the Saltaire Makers Fair in September. This will be the first chance I will have to both display and sell my textiles, so I am very excited. I am also slightly daunted, as I have spent recent weeks concentrating on my other business, which had been rather neglected in the final weeks of college. I have the remainder of my warp form the final collection to tie on, so will make some more double cloth products. I have also decided to weave some single cloth in the same colour range to make some smaller items and some more lampshades. I've decided that I'll use my 4 shaft Ashford table loom for some of this. I bought the loom from a retired indy dyer last summer as a potential teaching loom but it came with quite a bit of handdyed aranweight Blue Face Leicester warp on. I have done nothing with the loom all year, but had picked out some of my own handdyed yarn to use as weft and have been dreaming of this fabric for weeks. I am actualy going to weve something for me! I seriously don't think I've woven anything for myself since about 2012.
This weekend I finally got to it. I'm weaving a shadow twill, so it cycles through 1/3 twill to 2/2 to 3/1 to 2/2 and back to 1/3 twill. It's sleyed at 8 ends per inch, but it's been nearly two years since I wove anything that wasn't in the range 16-30 epi, (apart from the double cloth, but the nature of that with the Shetland yarn meant I didn't beat very hard) and it's taken me ages to get an even 8 ppi! It also feels really weird to be weaving something without having done any artwork before hand, just simply planned out the lift plan using iWeaveIt. Here it is in the early stages - the beating is more even now!