#SeptTextileLove Day 18: Markmakingâ €
â € I find the inbuilt raddle on the Louet looms invaluable. However, my method of resting the heel of my hand on them does lead to some...

Ideas Rich, Time Poor...
Two years ago was the Bradford Summer Show, where most of us showed our final collections as we finished up the HNC. I can't quite...

The Right Green
I’ve spent the last few days dyeing silk yarn for a weaving project. I needed a very specific red and green, and two greys to give a...

#SeptTextileLove Day 24: Overcoming
It’s really frustrating to spend two days setting the loom up only to find when you actually start weaving that there’s an error in the...

#SeptTextileLove Day 18 Lines/Stripes
Still love my very first shaft-switched rug. It was a brilliant week which brought me back to weaving. Thank you Jason Collingwood –...

#SeptTextileLove Day 14: Learning
As with most creative activities, working with textiles is always throwing up opportunities to learn, not always intentionally! As a...

#SeptTextileLove Day 3: Mark-making
Day 3: Mark-making. I have only recently started using machine embroidery as a form of mark-making, having attended a Bradford School...

Lessons learned
So, I've been weaving towels for my winter shows - generous hand or dish towels in a cotton/linen mix yarn called, imaginatively,...

Channeling Gilbert O'Sullivan
Nothing old, nothing new, nothing ventured Nothing gained, nothing still-born or lost Nothing further than proof, nothing wilder than...

Town and Country #1
Over the last few weeks I have been lucky enough to do a little bit of travelling with some amazing friends. Firstly, I spent a few days...