Ideas Rich, Time Poor...
Two years ago was the Bradford Summer Show, where most of us showed our final collections as we finished up the HNC. I can't quite believe so much time has passed and there have been so many changes to our lives and circumstances. I'm rather saddened to realise that although I wove and finished some yardage, it still hasn't been made into the skirt it was planned for and I still, after four and a half years of weaving on a shaft loom, have not made anything for myself although I do wear one brooch I swiped from sale stock to go on a black suit jacket.
A year ago another seismic shift happened in my life - I registered with a supply agency and returned to the primary classroom. I hadn't realised until I did it how much I had missed working with primary age children, and on the whole I have really enjoyed it. The plan was to work two or thee days a week, leaving me time for weaving and also working on my handdyed yarn and fibre business, but the realistic amongst you will not be surprised to find that it hasn't worked out quite like that. I have by and large stuck to no more than three days in school a week, but it has exhausted me much more than I expected (I have absolutely no idea how I ever did it full time in a Senior Leadership role) so the weaving happens in fits and start. Currently I am in a lull, with deadlines looming all over the place and a warp to be wound and put on the loom. Today is the only day this week I am not in school (because I got talked into an additional half a day) and am I winding that warp? Am I buffalo!
So I find myself in the weird position of being brimming with ideas but with not enough time and energy to execute them. If only I could wave a magic wand and the warp would be on! But I AM working behind the scenes on admin and communications for our biggest exhibition to date, which will take place later this year. One of the things I need to do is take some publicity shots, which, with the dreadful rain this week is proving problematic because the light levels are so poor. However, I have had fun playing with the 50mm lens for my camera. The colour balance on the camera looks fine, but not so much on my screen so I've also been tweaking them in Affinity to get the colours looking a little more accurate. Here's a little peek of ideas for the upcoming exhibition...