#SeptTextileLove Day 24: Overcoming
It’s really frustrating to spend two days setting the loom up only to find when you actually start weaving that there’s an error in the...

#SeptTextileLove Day 18 Lines/Stripes
Still love my very first shaft-switched rug. It was a brilliant week which brought me back to weaving. Thank you Jason Collingwood –...

#SeptTextileLove Day 11: Texture
When I first really watched Sue C weave, a number of years before either of us considered the HNC st Bradford, I fell in love with the...

Lessons learned
So, I've been weaving towels for my winter shows - generous hand or dish towels in a cotton/linen mix yarn called, imaginatively,...

Work in progress: Royal College of Art textile postgraduates
In January, courtesy of my friend Cathy, who works as a librarian at the RCA, I visited a show of work in progress by textile...

39 steps to weaving the Borders way
Twelve miles out in the borders last July, I arrived fresh off the sleeper from London to take part in the Heriott Watt intermediate...

Channeling Gilbert O'Sullivan
Nothing old, nothing new, nothing ventured Nothing gained, nothing still-born or lost Nothing further than proof, nothing wilder than...

Town and Country #2
Following on from my post on 23rd November I have now come to the 'country' part of this theme! I recently visisted Bolton Abbey in the...

Combined Minds
As mentioned in recent blog posts we recently got together as a group for the first time since the summer show in June 2017. Not only had...

Town and Country #1
Over the last few weeks I have been lucky enough to do a little bit of travelling with some amazing friends. Firstly, I spent a few days...