Tonight’s the Night...
Today, our exhibition Alive With Change opens at Bradford Cathedral and tonight is the Meet The Artists event from 7pm (refreshments from...

And so it begins again...
Over the last year or so, most of my weaving time has been spent designing, sampling or weaving items for the forthcoming exhibition....

#SeptTextileLove Day24: Reverse â €
This is a small sample for my current project.â € â € It consists of two layers of cloth, woven at the same time. The front layer is hand...

#SeptTextileLove Day 18: Markmakingâ €
â € I find the inbuilt raddle on the Louet looms invaluable. However, my method of resting the heel of my hand on them does lead to some...

#SeptTextileLove Day 17: Rework
I’m intrigued by the differences that can be achieved when you rework a pattern with a different yarn and sett. The swatch on the right...

#SeptTextileLove Day 16: Sustainableâ €
⠀ I’m a big fan of British wool. The UK has over sixty sheep breeds - more than any other country in the world. They often graze on land...

#SeptTextileLove Day 14:Cuteâ €
â € Whilst my weaving assistant is undeniably cute, his assistance when winding a warp onto the loom is not always appreciated!â € â € I've...

#SeptTextileLove Day 2: Current Project
I’ve been looking at this original design off and on for over a year, but I’m currently weaving a shawl in it in a lovely 2/8.25 British...

Ideas Rich, Time Poor...
Two years ago was the Bradford Summer Show, where most of us showed our final collections as we finished up the HNC. I can't quite...

The Right Green
I’ve spent the last few days dyeing silk yarn for a weaving project. I needed a very specific red and green, and two greys to give a...