Tonight’s the Night...
Today, our exhibition Alive With Change opens at Bradford Cathedral and tonight is the Meet The Artists event from 7pm (refreshments from...

#SeptTextileLove Day 25: Detail
I really admire the work of Jo Bee, and came across this picture in "Open Spaces", the latest book by Susan Guagliumi. This combination...

#SeptTextileLove Day 22: Story/Narrativeâ €
This image is from a paper, published by Cornell University, entitled "Stitch Meshes for Knitted Clothing with Yarn Level Detail" in...

#SeptTextileLove Day 15: Grittyâ €
â € I have chosen the definition of "gritty" that describes something as courageous or daring. These garments/creations (found a while ago...

#SeptTextileLove Day 13: Colourâ €
â € As someone whose priority is texture rather than colour, I commend this dress by Sandra Backlund as a prime example of how colour can...

#SeptTextileLove Day 12: Unravelling
During a recent tidy up, I discovered some experimental blanks a friend knitted up for me last year so I could play about with gradient...

#SeptTextileLove Day 10: Structure
I was going back through some technical files from the first year of the Bradford Course and found these. It was the first time I had...

#SeptTextileLove Day 7: Texture
This is really a piece of whimsy, putting two very textured things together to make something else. The romanesco cauliflower, whose...

Little and Large
Over the last few weeks, I have been able to indulge my passion for materials - mainly yarn, but also woven fabrics, threads, and in fact...

#SeptTextileLove Day 25: Edge
These are two samples produced when experimenting with what used to be called broomstick lace. The stretching and pinning of the edges...