#SeptTextileLove Day 9: Fibre

16 months ago we lost a beloved member of our group. I am lucky enough to have some of her yarn, which I keep in a special, clear lidded, box on display in my workroom.⠀ ⠀ Sue’s natural skill in combining colours and different fibre types in her weaving is something that I have long admired. To be the kind of woman and friend she was is something I will always aspire to be.⠀ ⠀ Having these yarns on display reminds me to be braver in my weaving, kinder in my relationships, to never stop learning and to be adventurous! ⠀ ⠀ And you thought it was just a box of fibre!⠀ ⠀ #septtextilelove #septtextilelove2019 #yarn #fibre #holeinourhearts💔 #beautifulsoul