Sketchbook Swap Silliness
An ongoing 'project' we are undertaking as part of Common Threads is a sketchbook swap scheme.
Each person has a separate sketchbook solely for the purpose of swapping with other members, which gets passed along to the next person at each meet up.
There are no rules as to what can go in it, no themes, no final purpose has been decided on as yet and each person is allowed to alter, expand on, remove etc any entries made by previous holders of the sketchbook.

Front cover of current sketchbook in my possession
I have noticed whilst doing this that I am so much freer with both ideas and techniques in these sketchbooks than I am in my own! I think somewhere in my subconscious I'm aware that whatever I create in these books will eventually be 'someone else's problem', I won't be the one having to make sense of it!
Another major factor in this new found freedom is the knowledge that I won't be judged or criticised by any of the other members of the group.
I am not looking forward to this swapping scheme finishing, but I know that the atmosphere of creativity, mutual support and appreciation will carry on in this group long after the sketchbooks are completed.