Book Review
I was lucky enough to receive some excellent textile based books for my birthday recently.
I thought I might share my views on one of them on here.

World Textiles, A Visual Guide to Traditional Techniques, by John Gillow and Bryan Sentance.
This is a large paperback book full of high quality images on good quality paper.
It covers topics from the basics of materials that have been historically used to create textiles, through non-loom and loom woven textiles, painted and printed textiles, dyes and their techniques, sewing, embroidery and embellishment, using examples from across the world to illustrate.
Examples of chapter header pages from within the book.
This book could very easily be used as a visual inspiration source as the illustrations are high quality and include photographs of full items as well as close-up images of construction and/or decorative features.
Alongside the images there are written explanations which, due to the huge variety of topics covered, are necessarily brief. However, they are well written and provide enough information to act as a springboard for further investigation of any topics which interest you.
All in all I feel that this book will provide me with an excellent source of visual inspiration and information for years to come, and I am incredibly grateful to the lovely friend who sourced and gave me this book!