Knitting with the Tsar
This afternoon has been a splendid one. After a long morning slaving over a hot knitting machine, I came back to a sunny conservatory and a fabulous play on the radio. You might have heard of Mike Walker, who has created dramatisations of English royal houses. His current sequence - called 'Tsar' - traces the rulers of Russia from Ivan the Terrible to Putin. Today we had Catherine the Great. Worth an hour of anyone's life!
The pieces that I have been making this morning are part of my final collection. My passion - no, probably obsession - is with making heavily textured, preferably 3D, knitted textiles. One of them has been with me throughout the course, being developed and modified over time. When I have assembled the piece, I will post a photo of it. But for today, I present this:

Gosh, the things we used to wear! Very high level of skill though.
When I have finished my current piece, I'll post that.
Nice talking to you.